
The latest product updates on Waypoint.

Jun 21, 2024

Track usage (and any overages) easier on Waypoint.

All of our subscription tiers come with a base set of emails included on each plan. For example, our starter plan includes 10,000 live emails sends. To help teams better track usage, we've added a simple report within the billing section on your workspace settings page.

Additionally, any overages are now automatically calculated and billed as part of your monthly invoice.

Usage report screenshot

Note: If you are currently on a paid workspace and not seeing this, you should see it at the start of your next invoice cycle.

May 23, 2024

Teams can now preview a Waypoint email template via API. This is especially helpful for teams that want to show a preview of an email (within their platform) before sending through Waypoint. For example, an invoicing platform.

Use the new endpoint and optionally pass in custom data or with your template's test data to get the processed HTML template as a response.

POST /v1/templates/TEMPLATE_ID/preview

Learn more in our API reference for template previewing.

May 14, 2024

Display money values in your templates without the headaches. Teams can now convert numbers to formatted and localized currency strings with our new 'currency' Liquid templating filter.

Liquid currency filter

Waypoint template builder using the new Liquid currency filter to format the variable output of 10.5 to $10.50 (defaults to USD).

Learn more about using Liquid templating on Waypoint.

Mar 12, 2024

To help devs monitor and debug Waypoint API requests, we've revamped our API requests troubleshooting page to include additional log information and permalinks to each request.

Request logs

Mar 5, 2024

We've released a free and open source community version of our much-loved email template builder.

We call it EmailBuilder.js – a powerful block-based email builder that takes the best parts of other open source libraries like Editor.js and email component libraries and puts them into an easy to use no-code builder that dev teams can extend and self-host.

Learn more: