Workflow basics

Using workflows to trigger email templates within Waypoint (as opposed to direct triggering templates) allow your team to orchestrate supplementary actions, such as delays, or modify the resulting template, without having to write or modifying code within your codebase.

To build your first workflow:

  1. Go to 'Workflows' within your workspace and click '+ New'.
  2. From the 'Test data' section, set the 'Use custom test data' option.
  3. Stub the data that this workflow should receive. Most likely this will be the custom data that your resulting template is expecting.
  4. Configure the remaining workflow actions – choose whether to set a delay and pick a template.
  5. Test the workflow by clicking 'Run workflow with test data'.

Screenshot of a workflow on Waypoint

Once you are satisfied with the workflow, you can go back to the top of the page and grab the code example and trigger the workflow from your application.